How we work

How Customers Use the Service

The algorithm is pretty straight-forward:

Place a Free Inquirymake the paymentget the paper

You immediately gain access to your personal DoMyReview account, which lets you perform all actions within a single interface. The personal page can be used in different ways: to contact our personnel, inform your writer about changes in order requirements, leave feedback, download the finished paper, etc. You will be notified of the changes in the status of your order via an email.

How We Estimate Orders

Every customer can view the detailed pricelist for our services. As stated, the cost of the order depends on the academic level and the time-frames available for the completion. However, there may be additional charges if, for example, your task requires some extra requirements. In such a case, place a Free Inquiry to determine the final cost for your request.

How We Assign Writers

When your order is placed on the website, we begin a search for the most suitable writer presently available. The selection of the writer is determined on the basis of his current rating, workload, educational level, and feedback. We also give you the opportunity to receive more information about the author. For $5, you can get additional samples of the writer’s work on which to base your selection. See how here.

How We Communicate with Customers

As stated in GRADEvalues, excellence is our primary goal on all levels. Thus, we provide every order with special treatment and an individual approach. Live, online communication with our representatives is performed by means of an instant 24/7 messaging system, live chat, phone, or fax. You are certain to receive a timely response to all requests, with due care at every stage of processing your order.

How We Ensure Quality

Adherence to GRADEexcellence values guarantee the superb quality of the papers generated by the proficient writers at DoMyReview service. Each assignment is properly checked by Quality Control Department for authenticity, formatting, and research. We provide each customer with undeniably genuine and well-researched work.

How We Educate Personnel

One of the distinctive features of our GRADEvalues system is the continuous professional growth of every staff member. Our special Mentorship Training Program involves a 3-month tutoring period, which supports the upgrade of the writers’ academic level, review of writing experience, customer relations management, and ability to work within set time-limits.

How We Hire Writers

Before an applicant is provided the opportunity to work with us, he/she completes a series of online tests that assess their knowledge in formatting, citation, and English language proficiency. In addition, the applicant must complete a sample writing task, which is then checked, scanned for plagiarism, and evaluated by Writers' Department. To know more about the procedure, go here.

How We Improve Our Service

GRADEquality is what matters in the DoMyReview world. To make sure we provide you with the best content, we are ready to improve each service aspect 24/7. Customer feedback lets us perform a full analysis to determine the weakest points of our service and to quickly address them. Therefore, do not hesitate – be open in your feedback to us.


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275 words

DoMyReview Guarantees:

Format and Features

  • Approx. 275 words / page
  • All Paper Formats (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago/Turabian)
  • Font: 12 point
    Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double and single spacing
  • FREE bibliography page
  • FREE title page
  • Progressive Delivery Feature

What’s your secret to great review writing? DoMyReview should be the answer. We deliver certified service that has no rivals. Order now!